Holding better board meetings:
Though this course is available in mixed formats, it is a challenging workshop aimed at senior leaders which for optimal impact is best delivered in person, ideally at an offsite location. It is aimed at chief executives, chairs, executive and non executive board members and senior managers, trainee leaders and aspiring directors who are currently working in or want to work in health and care settings.
Participants on this course will:
Be challenged following in-depth analysis of their present board meetings,
Develop a vision of what good might look like in relation to future meetings,
Acquire tools and techniques to add insight and value to future board meetings.
Analysis of the board meetings held by NHS Trusts preceding, during and following a series of nationally and regionally publicised incidents, often tragic, of patient harm and poor leadership, shows a pattern of board behaviours and established ways of working, which revealed board members were largely ignorant of the issues at hand. For boards tasked with overseeing the provision of vital health services to truly deliver value and provide good governance to the organisations they are tasked with directing and holding to account, meetings must be proactively planned and structured to optimise the expertise and ability of all those present.