Engage compassionately with those affected by poor care:
This course is available in mixed formats and is aimed at those involved in implementing PSIRF, NHS Patient Advice and Liaison Services (PALS) teams, complaints and customer service department staff, communications staff, and heads of service. It is also suitable for directors and senior and trainee leaders and managers with an interest in PSIRF and patient, service user and stakeholder engagement.
Participants on this course will:
Understand the four types of harm and recognise who they impact,
Learn the value of authentic communication and the role of ownership,
Acquire listening and bridging skills and situationally relevant responses.
There is no easy way of dealing with patients and the loved ones and carers of those who have been harmed or worse. There are no formulas that can be applied that will fit every situation. There are however some universally applicable principles that can be drawn upon that will help all those affected by and involved in the aftermath of a harmful or fatal event. Engaging compassionately in the wake of a traumatic event can make a world of difference to the lives of all those affected. The impact of engaging and communicating inappropriately or insensitively increases the pain of those suffering and can lead to significant repercussions.