Metis Management - understanding multiple perspectives:
This course is available in mixed formats. It is aimed at executive and non-executive directors, Foundation Trust Governors, and leaders and managers from all levels of the public, private and voluntary sectors. It will be of particular interest to those involved in co-creating and developing services with multiple partners and patient and service user groups across Integrated Care Systems (ICSs).
Participants on this course will:
Understand the benefits of proactively seeking multiple perspectives,
Identify and address the cultural and structural barriers that shape perception,
Learn the principles of Metis Management, how to practice it personally and encourage it in others.
Metis, the wise revered Titan Goddess of counsel and planning was said to derive her wisdom from her ability to see things from many perspectives. Our ability to see things from multiple points of view is often hampered by the prevailing conventional accepted wisdoms and norms of the teams and organisations we work within. We often fail to see, understand and interpret events as others experience them, not because we lack compassion or don't care, but because we have become unconsciously conditioned to applying a chosen paradigm through which to view and interpret situations and shape our responses.