How to raise concerns and speak up safely:
This course is available in mixed formats. It is aimed at HR, OD, Transformation and Culture Change leads, executive and non-executive directors, heads of governance and Freedom to Speak up Guardians. It is also suitable for senior and trainee health and care leaders and managers from the private and third sector with an interest in creating the conditions in which the views of staff can be heard and acted upon.
Participants on this course will:
Identify the barriers to staff feeling unable to raise concerns and speak up,
Understand the crucial importance of stories and responding appropriately,
Explore the value of providing multiple mechanisms to encourage the raising of concerns and facilitate speaking up by staff.
I lost my job as a middle manager in the NHS after raising concerns, speaking up and then making a protected disclosure (whistleblowing) to the CQC, the regulator of health and care services in the UK. I understand how difficult it can feel for staff to raise legitimate concerns with senior staff when organisational cultures in many healthcare settings are widely perceived as strongly hierarchical and more likely to shoot than welcome any messenger who brings unwelcome news. But a concern withheld or suppressed today represents a significant organisational risk and may well emerge as tomorrows tragedy and headline.