Redefining the role of leaders in the NHS:
Though this course is available in mixed formats, the content is challenging and ideally delivered in person. It is aimed at NHS chief executives, chairs, executive and non-executive directors, Foundation Trust Governors, senior leaders and managers. It will be of particular interest to leaders working in Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) and trainee and aspiring leaders and managers working or wanting to work in the NHS.
Participants on this course will:
Gain insights into the role and methods of successful leaders in other sectors,
Reframe the role of leader using the concept and practice of servant leadership,
Learn to encourage, welcome and practice positive constructive challenge and identify opportunities to maximise the impact of their role.
Leadership is about creating the conditions in which the right things can happen. True leaders see beyond the present landscape and seek to shape and inform the future operating environment as well as deliver benefit in the here and now. They understand that leadership is more than merely encouraging others to deliver a vision handed from above, it is the continual and iterative process of influencing policy and informing strategy. For leaders to lead and inspire confidence and followership, they must both offer and welcome challenge. Leaders are uniquely placed to harness operational insights to shape the provision of safe sustainable services.