The myth of the curved ball - from reaction to prevention:
This course is available in mixed formats. It is aimed at executive and non-executive directors, Foundation Trust Governors, senior managers, heads of governance, change and transformation leads and service managers. It will be of particular interest to leaders working in Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) as well as those tasked with and leading the implementation of PSIRF (Patient Safety Incident Response Framework).
Participants on this course will:
Understand events as the logical result of previous decisions made and not made,
Learn how managing effectively in the here and now can build a better future,
Know where to look to reveal and address the sources of preventable future risks.
Tom Peters famously coined the phrase, excellence is the next five minutes. He was making the point that success in the long term is the accumulated result of lots of small often barely noticeable actions and events. Overnight successes and instant innovations are a fiction, they are the result of a combination of things coming together, the accumulated outcome of a series of incremental steps to move in a chosen direction over a period of time. This truth also applies to tragedy and instances of preventable patient harm, which are often also the accumulated logical and hence largely predictable result of a build up of unresolved unaddressed issues.